Lightening Fingers...................not!

One of my first --years ago
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Don't miss my "stash sale" link located right above my profile pic!
Dear Sticher Friends --
I've done a "cleaning of the stash" and want to let you in on some good buys. If you're looking for fabric -- I have linen and evenweave and have made it all up into 4 separate lots -- the most expensive lot is $18 (now we KNOW that's not expensive for a package with large pieces!) -these are great prices. Also selling a never used solid oak floor frame original price $150 -selling for $40. Have a few more things to list but time for dinner. So have a look and contact me if interested.
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
More finished and a fun little thing!
Finished stitching this piece last night and began to hunt for the perfect piece of fabric for another project -- a gorgeous Iris -- think I've found the perfect
color and will post that tomorrow. It calls for both Anchor and DMC and when I received the Anchor threads I had to order I had a quick intake of breath as they are so beautiful. I seem to be having a "mom" thing going on at the moment as the Iris was one of her favorite flowers and I've been looking for just the right pattern for a long time. Will show you tomorrow.
I still have enough scissors left for my frog so
everyone's happy!
color and will post that tomorrow. It calls for both Anchor and DMC and when I received the Anchor threads I had to order I had a quick intake of breath as they are so beautiful. I seem to be having a "mom" thing going on at the moment as the Iris was one of her favorite flowers and I've been looking for just the right pattern for a long time. Will show you tomorrow.
Little House "Hope" on 28 count. 2nd finish in this
series and saw that #3 is out so will have to do it!
I added cranberry beads to the snowflake and at
several points in the border to replace the cross stitch.
I added cranberry beads to the snowflake and at
several points in the border to replace the cross stitch.
Also used "Whisper" for the sheep --still need to fluff her up
a bit. Am really liking these.
a bit. Am really liking these.
Saw this little fella at my fav antique place and my
first thought --- scissors! Also I have a lovely frog
with scissors, had been wanted to change it and this seemed fun.
with scissors, had been wanted to change it and this seemed fun.
everyone's happy!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Little House new series. I added my own heart with bow I happened to have
in my stash and really like it. Almost finished with the second one "Hope".
Am taking the big plunge today and going full tilt with "Garden of Delight" a William Morris design by Heaven and Earth. Have been putting it off because of all the many, many,many frequent color changes (think T.Wentzler on steroids) BUT it's time.
A blessed Easter. He is Risen indeed.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
I realized I just don't have the wall space to frame,hang/store all the larger projects I'd like to stitch --one of which is Christmas at Hawk Run.
So I'm going to do the images as individual ornaments, then finish them using the same backing materials to give them a somewhat coordinated look. The song that runs through this
"I heard the bells" was my Mom's favorite. She sang in the church choir and had a lovely, rich alto voice. We went to Christmas service for the last time together before I moved to England in 1979 and she asked me to sing for her at that service. Because of her cancer treatments, she was no longer able to.
Her favorite verse in this song is "Now peal the bells more loud and sweet
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,with
peach on earth good will to men." It was the sweetest time together. When she died two years later while I was still in England, I was thankful for all wonderful memories of our times together, but even more of the examples in her life that pointed to her deep conviction that God is a God of love who's eye is always on the one thought least of. She was deeply compassionate, full of fun and tremendously committed to all six of us kids. Even after 20+ years, I miss her. But am so grateful to have had the opportunity to know her and to have been loved by her. Wow, did not intend to write any of this. Thanks Mom.
May your fingers be flying...Peg
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Floss holder to the rescue
So, the one thing I wanted from my Granpa and Granma's house before they sold it many years ago was this metal horse. It had resided in a large glass fronted display in their dining room. Whenever I stayed with them, Gramma would carefully open the glass display and let me choose one thing to "play" with and I always chose this horse. So my Aunt very kindly sent it to me. It arrived with two front legs held together with glue. It had seen a LOT of fun over the years with grandkids and great-grandkids. Well not that long ago it just fell over -- you know --kind of went legless you might say. So I was trying thinking I'd have to put in the vise in the workroom to hold it in the position I'd need in order to try to glue them back on. Cross-stitch box to the rescue! He fit very neatly in one of the sections where I store my threads. So now the legs are back in place and he will remain in the Cross Stitch hospital at least until tomorrow.---Want to make sure he lasts another 60 years!
may your fingers be flying...Peg
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Friday, March 22, 2013
The daffs have been blooming for some time now and I love their cherry faces smiling at me as I drive off to work in the morning.
I love boxes -- all shapes and sizes, so have been collecting different ones. You know how it goes --once something catches your eye you it changes everything. Now when I'm at thrift stores or estate sales, every time a box catches my eye I'm immediately wondering what to stitch for the top of it!. So last night I gathered three that I particularly like, grabbed a crate of CS patterns and started going through them one by one --trying to find the perfect subject for each one and then measure and calculating to see if it would be the perfect size. Thought I had one figured out only to find it was just a little to big.
So tried again tonight, found the perfect pattern (if I eliminate a few things) then saw one of the colors called for was Splendor 801 and thought OH NO WHAT IS THAT. So hopped on the web, found my answer, wondered over here to read your updates and haven't left! But the good news is I have the pattern (and threads) to tackle the first box so that will be this weekends new project.
Finished Little House#1 in their new series for this year, and have the border on #2 almost finished. Decided to stitch a few small things like this for awhile as I needed the satisfaction of finishing something. And that is fun. Will have to post some pictures.
In May I have a week in the mountains of NC with friends. My plan is to pack up some of the projects I've completed stitching and finally fully finish them so I can
display them. Can't wait for that time as trying to find finishing time is always the
hard part.
Ok. Bedtime. I've enjoyed reading your posts tonight, as I do many nights. Love seeing your work, sensing your satisfaction (and frustrations at times), reading your tips, getting inspired. Sleep well all you night owls.
I love boxes -- all shapes and sizes, so have been collecting different ones. You know how it goes --once something catches your eye you it changes everything. Now when I'm at thrift stores or estate sales, every time a box catches my eye I'm immediately wondering what to stitch for the top of it!. So last night I gathered three that I particularly like, grabbed a crate of CS patterns and started going through them one by one --trying to find the perfect subject for each one and then measure and calculating to see if it would be the perfect size. Thought I had one figured out only to find it was just a little to big.
So tried again tonight, found the perfect pattern (if I eliminate a few things) then saw one of the colors called for was Splendor 801 and thought OH NO WHAT IS THAT. So hopped on the web, found my answer, wondered over here to read your updates and haven't left! But the good news is I have the pattern (and threads) to tackle the first box so that will be this weekends new project.
Finished Little House#1 in their new series for this year, and have the border on #2 almost finished. Decided to stitch a few small things like this for awhile as I needed the satisfaction of finishing something. And that is fun. Will have to post some pictures.
In May I have a week in the mountains of NC with friends. My plan is to pack up some of the projects I've completed stitching and finally fully finish them so I can
display them. Can't wait for that time as trying to find finishing time is always the
hard part.
Ok. Bedtime. I've enjoyed reading your posts tonight, as I do many nights. Love seeing your work, sensing your satisfaction (and frustrations at times), reading your tips, getting inspired. Sleep well all you night owls.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
may your fingers be flying...Pegheathersstitchingstory giveaway
totally hoping this link works! Heather is having a giveaway--pop over and join in
totally hoping this link works! Heather is having a giveaway--pop over and join in
Thursday, December 20, 2012
A Christmas day giveaway on To Stitch or Not to Stitch
Head on over and sign up!
may your fingers be flying...Peg
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Going to a "Spooky Stitchin" tonight with the old
stitching group so I made this as a hostess gift. My first try at ornament
type finishing. Can really appreciate all the beautiful finishes I see
and the work it takes to do them
type finishing. Can really appreciate all the beautiful finishes I see
and the work it takes to do them

I wish I'd had my camera when I went on my walk this morning>
We live in an old subdivision with no outlet and there are 3 miles of
beautiful roads to walk --heavily wooded. Today's companions
were 3 separate groups of deer -- one was made up almost
entirely of "young bucks" proudly sprouting their antlers. Besides
these was the red fox -- looks like a youngster. He will walk ahead of me
a little ways the turn around as if to say "still coming?" then as I
these was the red fox -- looks like a youngster. He will walk ahead of me
a little ways the turn around as if to say "still coming?" then as I
move toward him, he'll trot on a little further until finally scampering
off to another adventure in the woods. How beautiful this, my
favorite time of year.
favorite time of year.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
More in progress...
This one is called fall surpise because it's a surprise for someone. I had to go out a buy a smaller frame thingy as you can see! But I love the fabric -- it's a 32 ct. scrap and was perfect!
This is Christmas Songs ll which I never would have known about except at stitching one week, a friend pullled this up on her Iphone and I fell in love. I'm leaving some parts of designs off as I go because I intend to go back with a cranberry krenik thread to give a subtle sparkle. I love both the fabric and the fiber color on this piece. It's my go to when I need to really quiet my mind ---if it gets done quickly you'll know that's a message all it's own!
This is my second time with this piece. I did it years ago for my Dad and his wife and a friend always mentions it when she looks at other things I've done. So I decided to stitch it for her as a surprise for Christmas. She's not a stitcher or blogger so I feel fairly safe. Before deciding to do it for her I was actually going to do it for me! Not sure if I can do it a third time...but it IS awfully pretty! Just have a little left around the bow, then the Krienk gold and silver threads to add subtle sparkle and I'm done. It's by Stoney Creek, stitched over 2 on 28 count jobelan (I think!).
So last weekend I decided it was time to go through the stash. If I have too much my brain freezes--weird huh?! But that's what happens --it becomes overwhelming. So I created this amazing group of stuff and decided to sell it on Craig's list. The "lot" includes linen( some big pieces in there), about 18 good Just Cross Stitch mags, with Lizzy Kate, Drawn Thread and other patterns, some overdyed threads, some finishing fabric and a few other fun things --find it listed on Craigs list for Raleigh-Durham.
may your fingers be flying...Pegsome of the things I've been working on...
This is Beauty in Simplicity by Blue Ribbon designs. When finished it will go on tope of a Shaker style oval box with lid. I LOVE this pattern. Stitching on LL Navy Bean 32 count. I've changed some of the colors just because... and this is the perfect day for this --glorious outside fall weather. I'm about to put on my walking shoes and go for a trot round the neighborhood to "smell the leaves"
Monday, September 10, 2012
Another night
Just spent a glorious 1/2 hour popping around your different sites. It is such a gift to be able to follow you folks. It refreshes me to no end and inspires me to keep on stitching. Our State Fair is in October and the deadline for sign up is Sept. 20th. Unfortunately our section of cross stitch has dwindled over the years, but I still enjoy seeing what others have worked so hard on.
I picked up the Christmas sampler and will post pics of where it is at the moment. The joy of this is
that it's mainly one color. After stitching on things with LOTS of changes, this is so much fun to do.
Of course I've changed some things around and decided to add some sparkle here and there... so will take a pic and post it soon.
Have a lovely week
May your fingers be flying...Peg
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
IF I could get them off my phone....
Chose one frame today, it should arrive Friday for the over 1 that's going in this year's fair. Then had
a dilemma over the frame for my Historical Sampler "Christmas Pots" -- could go kinda funky or traditional. Kinda Funky is the one I really like, but wanted to share them so you could vote.... will keep trying!
Just went through every piece of fabric where I've started a project. Trying to prioritize what I'd really like to see completed and that is so hard to do as I love them all!
Listening to politics a lot these days, hard to avoid unless you turn off all forms of communication. What I long is that we would listen to each other -- whatever our views or party or prejudices. Having lived in England for so long, then returning to the US, I found neither party quite the same as the one I supported. So I like this about one party and that about the other. Dilemma! How bout you?
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Friday, August 17, 2012
Fairfield House is having a giveaway
This should be a fun one!

may your fingers be flying...Peg
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Finally getting some framing finished!
Finally, finally, finally getting some things framed. Thanks to my good friend Ramona who has taught me some framing steps I've been doing it myself. It takes awhile, but I love doing the whole project from stitching, changing colors or details, to finally framing. I have two more finished and another few prepped to finish. Now to add a decorative shelf to a bare wall so I can display them like plates and swap out at will. Happy stitching everyone!
may your fingers be flying...PegMonday, April 9, 2012
Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe: Enter to win a gift certificate at The Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe
Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe: Enter to win a gift certificate at The Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe
Friends, Nancy is having a lovely giveaway at the end of April. Pop On over!
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Friends, Nancy is having a lovely giveaway at the end of April. Pop On over!
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Easter. So much more than colored eggs.
I woke this morning thinking about forgiveness and why it can be such a hard thing to do. We'd probably say it's because we get so hurt that we just can't get past it.
Even if the other person apologizes we may keep holding onto the hurt, the anger and the hate. We think if we hug this grievance to ourselves and never forgive or forget it we are in some way able to hurt them back.
But do we realize how much not forgiving hurts us more than it could ever hurt that person?
As we concentrate our thoughts and energy on how we were wronged we become bound by that. Our thoughts have a bitterness to them. We may do things we'd never have done if we were thinking clearly in the belief "I'll show them" while the one who did the hurt may have no idea of the effect their action had on us and have merrily gone on their way.
Yet here we sit -- in the anger, anxiety, and frustration of it all, letting our world become tainted and spoiled by an, often, thoughtless act.
As we consider the greatest act of forgiveness ever shown -- we have the opportunity to search our hearts and to forgive all that we see buried deep inside. For finally, who needs forgiveness more -- one who caused the death of this sinless man, Jesus Christ, or someone who thoughtlessly or even maliciously, hurt me?
Today is the day of salvation. Today God, through Jesus Christ is saying "Come to me. Confess your own independence from me and come to me. I've remade you whole and new and you can be free today."
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
It's My Birthday
So it began with a dozen yellow roses -- the most perfect ones I'd ever seen. Then it continued at the office with another bouquet delivered this afternoon with no name --so I can't say thank you.
I am blessed to share my birthday with a younger sister of mine; she was born on March 7th when I was 7 years old. We call each other "Twinling" and I always say I just came out first! This birthday has been special in a very real, quiet way. I am 60. There. I've written it "out loud"! It has been a very sobering, not somber or depressing, but sobering number to write. I realized a number of serious things when thinking about that number, but what it clarified for me was that from now on I'm only going to stitch things I REALLY like. So went through my stash and pulled out all the things I'd bought on a whim pretty well knowing I'd never stitch them. Took them to my Monday night stitch group -- where they had a wonderful surprise party -- and handed them out. And now begins the REAL fun -- starting a couple of new projects I'm really excited about and want to share with you ---
I love all things Scottish Thistle -- this is the first finish and I already know I need to improve that tassel! But it's hanging on my bedroom door and I love it.
Next is a skein of Thread Gatherer's Silk n Colors in Willow (or Whisper?!). The color I've chosen to do my next special project Quaker Christmas II. As this will hang on my wall year round I wanted to use a color I could really live with. For the song titles I've yet to choose a coordinating solid green --but that won't stop me from starting this tonight --my birthday gift to me!
This next one is another fun one by Belinda at Blue Ribbon Designs "Hands to Work Hearts to God" for the top of a Shaker box. I've had this box for a year and have waited for just the right thing. The minute I saw this new pattern from Belinda I had to order it. I have vacation in June and that's when, on my drive to Minnesota to see family, I've penciled in some cross stitch stores so I can stop and buy the materials I need for this. It's SO perfectly what I was wanting. Belinda must have been doing a mind probe on me --and that's no small feat! Many thanks Belinda.

So that's it for the moment. And as I say often when I post (not-often!) I read your comments, follow your blogs, and so appreciate being connected with other women who are captivated by this same creative obsession. Happy stitching all.
may your fingers be flying...Peg
I am blessed to share my birthday with a younger sister of mine; she was born on March 7th when I was 7 years old. We call each other "Twinling" and I always say I just came out first! This birthday has been special in a very real, quiet way. I am 60. There. I've written it "out loud"! It has been a very sobering, not somber or depressing, but sobering number to write. I realized a number of serious things when thinking about that number, but what it clarified for me was that from now on I'm only going to stitch things I REALLY like. So went through my stash and pulled out all the things I'd bought on a whim pretty well knowing I'd never stitch them. Took them to my Monday night stitch group -- where they had a wonderful surprise party -- and handed them out. And now begins the REAL fun -- starting a couple of new projects I'm really excited about and want to share with you ---
I love all things Scottish Thistle -- this is the first finish and I already know I need to improve that tassel! But it's hanging on my bedroom door and I love it.
Next is a skein of Thread Gatherer's Silk n Colors in Willow (or Whisper?!). The color I've chosen to do my next special project Quaker Christmas II. As this will hang on my wall year round I wanted to use a color I could really live with. For the song titles I've yet to choose a coordinating solid green --but that won't stop me from starting this tonight --my birthday gift to me!
This next one is another fun one by Belinda at Blue Ribbon Designs "Hands to Work Hearts to God" for the top of a Shaker box. I've had this box for a year and have waited for just the right thing. The minute I saw this new pattern from Belinda I had to order it. I have vacation in June and that's when, on my drive to Minnesota to see family, I've penciled in some cross stitch stores so I can stop and buy the materials I need for this. It's SO perfectly what I was wanting. Belinda must have been doing a mind probe on me --and that's no small feat! Many thanks Belinda.

So that's it for the moment. And as I say often when I post (not-often!) I read your comments, follow your blogs, and so appreciate being connected with other women who are captivated by this same creative obsession. Happy stitching all.
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
A March giveaway to check out
The famous Miss Abbie
New blog structure --have no idea how it works, but it doesn't work anything like the other one. Definitely have to sit down with this in June during vacation and learn what's going on. Anyway --Jennifer at Feather's in the nest is having a wonderful giveaway March 5th. When you get to the page --scroll down--it's there!
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Saturday, February 4, 2012
To all Twits everywhere
Although this isn't the lake I was walking around this morning it's
almost as beautiful on a much smaller scale. So here's the
thing: I was having a morning 'quiet time', talking with the
God whom I'm beginning to understand, truly loves me in depths of
commitment unimaginable. I was thinking about something in
particular and said "Father, I am such a twit" and in that instant
understood that he already knew that. In fact that he knew before
I was born all the weaknesses and failings that I would only glimpse
dimly at times. But also in that instant, I heard as clearly as if you'd
said it to me "I knew that". At that moment the enormity of the fact that,
all these years he has kept his word, been faithful,been a constant help
in time of need, been my only source of comfort in places no human
friend could enter -- became humblingly, joyfully, lovingly clear.
particular and said "Father, I am such a twit" and in that instant
understood that he already knew that. In fact that he knew before
I was born all the weaknesses and failings that I would only glimpse
dimly at times. But also in that instant, I heard as clearly as if you'd
said it to me "I knew that". At that moment the enormity of the fact that,
all these years he has kept his word, been faithful,been a constant help
in time of need, been my only source of comfort in places no human
friend could enter -- became humblingly, joyfully, lovingly clear.
I walked on in awed, grateful silence, letting his love wash over me.
And that is my wish for each of you this day. That His dear,
compassionate, tender, kindly love would become known to you
personally -- perhaps in ways you've never imagined or experienced
before. May you be blessed.
And that is my wish for each of you this day. That His dear,
compassionate, tender, kindly love would become known to you
personally -- perhaps in ways you've never imagined or experienced
before. May you be blessed.
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Rrrrripulation frustration!

I've had this project for some time: O Come All Ye Faithful by
Patricia Andrele and was so excited to start it this past week.
Got the outside border completed and it matched up beautifully
--always a bonus! Then began inside border on the left side
--got to the bottom and found I was off by one row! Tried,
tried tried to find error. See next shot...
FOUND IT!---they dropped the design down by 1
row in the middle of the pattern! So it was
rrrripulation to get it back to this point
row in the middle of the pattern! So it was
rrrripulation to get it back to this point
and I'm all ready to start again. This pattern has
a lot of speciality stitches throughout the church
which I'm really looking forward to doing. Realized
today there are some advantages to growing older --I
do have more patience--years ago I would have through
this out rather than track down the error! But it's great
to move forward knowing all is as it should be.
a lot of speciality stitches throughout the church
which I'm really looking forward to doing. Realized
today there are some advantages to growing older --I
do have more patience--years ago I would have through
this out rather than track down the error! But it's great
to move forward knowing all is as it should be.
may your fingers be flying...Peg
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Night in the village of South Mimms, England
So, another Christmas night draws to a close in our small village here in South Mimms, Hertforshire, England about 15 miles north of London. A place that was home for 16 years and where I return each year at this time. We're just about to watch the 2hour special of Downton Abbey and can't wait. It's been a very special Christmas time again this year -- spent with close friends of over 30 years. What a testimony to Grace. This picture of St.Paul's in London was taken a few days ago while I was "in town" walking the streets and catching up on favorite sites with a friend. About 10 more days here, then back to Raleigh, NC for a new year, new challenges, new opportunities. Wish for each one of you that this New Year brings light, hope, truth and Grace.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
I'd REALLY rather be stitching...
It all began last night at about 4:30---just when I was wondering about meeting up with the Monday night stitchers--WARNING--TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION--BRIGHT RED SIGNS--
My work computer contracted a virus. So long about 10pm "we" thought "we" had it!
Cue bright and early this morning--no printers. All printers had been wiped off the face of the computer---that was only the beginning. It's now 5:40 and it SEEMS we'll have a printer working in the next hour or so. Though all of this I've met some very smart and helpful people from the Phillipeans who work for Microsoft (sorry Mac users--I've never been able to break out of the Win mode)
SO with ANY luck at all...Ill be home, sitting quietly in my pink chair, stitching on my current favorite!
may your fingers be flying...PegSunday, December 4, 2011
So after that short night I decided to...
For some time I've wanted to make my own little tags to put on the
back of each gift. And I want my "design name" to be Little Bird Designs.
So after many months of looking I finally found this little Chickadee stamp and
from there began to collect other elements I might make work. So today it
all began and you can see the initial gathering of materials (above)
back of each gift. And I want my "design name" to be Little Bird Designs.
So after many months of looking I finally found this little Chickadee stamp and
from there began to collect other elements I might make work. So today it
all began and you can see the initial gathering of materials (above)
Ok--so we all have to start somewhere! My 1st attempt.
Then I remembered I had a hot glue gun!
So in the second attempt things are sticking better
than they did with the glue stick...anyone surprised?!
than they did with the glue stick...anyone surprised?!
Then I remembered I had these fun paper cutting scissors AND
some ribbon that would just keeps getting better
some ribbon that would just keeps getting better
So top tag is beginners scrambling attempts, bottom is
almost finished. Now I have to print out what I want to
say, make the edges pretty, and hot glue it on.
What's fun about this is that it's all new to me so the discovery of
what's possible is never ending.
almost finished. Now I have to print out what I want to
say, make the edges pretty, and hot glue it on.
What's fun about this is that it's all new to me so the discovery of
what's possible is never ending.
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