I woke this morning thinking about forgiveness and why it can be such a hard thing to do. We'd probably say it's because we get so hurt that we just can't get past it.
Even if the other person apologizes we may keep holding onto the hurt, the anger and the hate. We think if we hug this grievance to ourselves and never forgive or forget it we are in some way able to hurt them back.
But do we realize how much not forgiving hurts us more than it could ever hurt that person?
As we concentrate our thoughts and energy on how we were wronged we become bound by that. Our thoughts have a bitterness to them. We may do things we'd never have done if we were thinking clearly in the belief "I'll show them" while the one who did the hurt may have no idea of the effect their action had on us and have merrily gone on their way.
Yet here we sit -- in the anger, anxiety, and frustration of it all, letting our world become tainted and spoiled by an, often, thoughtless act.
As we consider the greatest act of forgiveness ever shown -- we have the opportunity to search our hearts and to forgive all that we see buried deep inside. For finally, who needs forgiveness more -- one who caused the death of this sinless man, Jesus Christ, or someone who thoughtlessly or even maliciously, hurt me?
Today is the day of salvation. Today God, through Jesus Christ is saying "Come to me. Confess your own independence from me and come to me. I've remade you whole and new and you can be free today."
Well said....