One of my first --years ago

Friday, March 11, 2011

Giveaway Redraw

You know, even though life is a bit exciting I miss you ladies too much to stop checking out what you're doing!  So I quit facebook instead--a girl must have her priorities!
Sadly I did not hear from GerriG so Bridgette---the second place winner now moves up to 1st place--Bridgette I'm sending out your Longaberger Basket and goodies today. 
And to take Bridgette's place--Shar--along with the frog, you'll now receive the other little packet of goodies I put together and it will be sent out today.  Hope you enjoy!

may your fingers be flying...Peg


  1. Where did you find them socks? They are so cute!!!!

  2. WOW!! What a wonderful way to start my day..LOL Thank you so very much hun. I'm so excited....

    Hugs, Shar

  3. Congrats to your new winners! Cute socks btw!

  4. Ok I had a super surprise when I received my package. I had been behind on my blog reader so I had not read this post yet.
    All I can say is WAHOO!! and a big Thank you to Peg!!
    I also posted on my blog with pics! glad you are still blogging. Facebook is over rated anywhooo, LOL :)
