One of my first --years ago

Monday, January 17, 2011

The design of the green WIP (seen in post below)

I've had requests for the name of the "all things green" pattern (below)---Peggy I couldn't find your email address---sorry.   It's from Sampler Cove and is called Kaleidoscope Flower. They stitched it in overdyed gold tones on black--so if you look for it, keep that in mind.   I'm doing 28ct over 2, using Crescent colors "Balsam Fir"...speaking of which. Since our local cstitch store closed its doors at the end of this year I had the novel experience today of realizing I didn't have enough of this color, so had to go online to order it!   That of course meant I could't riffel through the colors and pick out exactly the right skein that has more of the lighter green rather than very dark.  And the other shocker was that the postage cost more than the thread  I can now sympathize with all of you who haven't been fortunate enough to have a good store close to you.


  1. Thank you so much for the info Peg.
    I never realized how thankful I should be for a LNS until I moved to a place where there weren't any! Now when I do any traveling I am sure to pack a list of things I can't do without.

    I think my email address is at the top of my blog but I'll go check. Sorry you couldn't find it.

  2. a very pretty design and I can't wait to see your progress Peg.
    Be always in stitches.
