This is a shot looking out through the gates of a very special place in England about 15 miles north of London. This was taken last year---but they're looking the same this year, so I'm wearing boots on the plane! I have 'excited stomach' which always happens at this time. While packing last night I discovered a security tag still on a sweater I wanted to take---so quick trip back to the store, then back home for the taxi! Finalized my 15 finishes for 2011: 12 days of Christmas by T.Wentzler on 28ct linen over one: Kaleidoscope Flower by Sampler Cove on 28 count linen over 2: Christmas Tree Mandala by Martina Weber-28ct over 2 on linen: To Everything a Season (my revised version) by Drawn Thread--32 count Irish linen over 2.
Have a wonderful trip!