One of my first --years ago

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stash happy

Found a new "local" LNS -(an hour away--not so bad). Funky little store that's been in business 33 years and is one of the most welcoming stores I've been to. Case in point: I was admiring a sheep charm one of her stitched models (I'm into sheep, trees and green!) her immediate response was "I don't think I have any more of those but I'll cut that one off for you". When I protested she said "what does it matter-I can get one in so quickly and no one will know".  THEN she had these boxes of back issues of Xstitch mags and I'm talking 2005, 6, 7 8, 9...all at 50 cents!  So you can see I stocked up.  Found some other patterns I'd never seen so bought those too!  Great, fun day out.

hoping your fingers are flying....Peg


  1. Stores like that are keepers on the return-to list. What a find and that she would just simply cut off the With all of the magazines, your fingers will surly be stitching up a storm.
    Be always in stitches.

  2. What a fun stash find! Have fun deciding what to stitch next!

  3. Oh wow...I am so very happy for you that you finally have a LNS close by that you discovered.

    You lucked out buying those magazines for fifty cents

    My LNS was a half hour away but now it is almost 2 hours away but that is okay though because I love my LNS and I go there alot from Spring through late Fall.

  4. Wonderful stashing! Enjoy your purchases.

  5. Great stash ;)
